Ritual is the primary act of ceremonial devotion to the Gods. Most people in the west have given up their traditional rites and have priests do them on their behalf. As Romanists, we take up this function again within our homes.
There are many rituals that we perform on a regular basis but they can be broken down into three categories: daily rituals, holiday rituals and sacramental rituals.
Daily Rituals
Our Daily ritual consist of an offering of incense in honor of God, the Father, Jupiter. We also honor the Gods that protect our home and our family. These are the Genius of the family, the Lares, Manes and Penates.
While this may seem complicated it is rather simple. Other prayers and offerings can be added to this ritual on a day to day basis. The ritual offers us an opportunity to honor the Gods and raise our souls up to them.
On the surface, the ritual may seem mechanical and routine but it has deeper symbolic meaning. The act of daily household worship symbolizes the offering of our whole mind, body, soul, actions and thoughts to God as an act of devotion and surrender. In return, we accept whatever God bestows us as a blessing.
Holiday Rituals
Holiday rituals are done in conjunction with the Holidays throughout the year. The basic ritual form will stay the same but special offerings and additional hymns and praise are added to Honor that Holiday’s God or Goddess.
Sacramental Rituals
These rituals are performed to mark special times in our lives that are sacred. They are as follows:
Lustratio – Ritual Purification – This ritual is done yearly for all romanists and renews our membership in the community and dedication to God.
Liberalia – Coming of Age – The Liberaia is done following a person’s 16th birthday for a male and 15th birthday for a female. It signifies their transition into manhood and womanhood respectively.
Epulum – Holy Feasts – Epulum are Holy Feasts in which we make food offerings and share a meal with the Gods. These are performed weekly for Romanists and at other designated times throughout the year. During an Epulum, the statues of the Gods dine with devotees.
Expiatio – Atonement – The Platonist sage, Hierocles, remarked that, “Repentance is the beginning of philosophy.” By repenting of our sins we become more aware of our shortcoming and can thus begin to improve ourselves. If someone has violated the Peace of the Gods (Pax Deorum) it is required that they make a sacrifice to the God offended.
Anointing the sick – This is the practice by which a priest anoints a sick and dying person with oil and prays to Apollo and Asclepius for their healing.
Marriage – Marriage is sacred to Romanists and there are several types of Marriage we recognize. The only one that is blessed by the Gods as a Sacrament is the Conferratio.
Priestly Ordination – This is the consecration of a man or woman into the service of the Gods. Rituals will vary depending on the particular priesthood.
Book of Ritual
The Book of Ritual is being compiled and will be available soon.