Yes, we follow the supreme philosophy of the ancient world, Platonism.

Platonism is a monistic philosophy that recognizes God is ultimately singular but proceeds into multiplicity as well, thus creating many Gods. Moreover, Platonic philosophy encapsulates our practical pathway to understand and come into union with God. It’s not dry academic bickering like much of modern philosophy, but truly what it’s name suggests; love of wisdom.

While our religious teachings are based on Platonism, it is important to know that Philosophy is not an orthodoxy with strict unquestionable conclusions. Philosophy is a process for arriving at truth. While many who study the ancient philosophers arrive at Platonism, and we will always gently nudge our members in that direction, everyone is free to explore the philosophical tradition and discover the truth for themselves. Questions and inquiry are allowed and encouraged and we will never tell you that you should suspend reason for blind faith. The truth should always be in harmony with the tradition of wisdom, your own reason, and your lived experience.

Within the Platonic tradition there are differences of opinion between every platonic thinker. Is Plotinus more right than Iamblichus? Is Damascius or Proclus correct about the nature of God? These are questions to explore as you grow spiritually. Over time, you may find they are all correct from their particular perspectives and each have a different philosophical gift to offer as our relationship with God deepens.