No, Jesus and the Jewish scriptures are not a part of Romanism.

We do not worship Jesus in our community but we don’t see Christianity as a completely illegitimate path. It has clearly worked for many people for centuries. It also acted as a container for ancient wisdom and practices which means there is some overlap between Catholicism and Romanism. However, we differ in our understanding of God, the purpose of religion and interpretation of sacred scripture and much more.

We do not accept that Jesus is God or the only salvation of man. There are many other holy men and divine incarnations outside of the Christian tradition. We also don’t accept the Old and New Testaments as infallible revelations.

The massive success of Christianity is owed more to the power of the Roman religious tradition they inherited from Constantine and the executive power of the Roman Empire. Without both of these, the Christian religion would likely be a popular cult but one among many operating in a traditional religious culture. A similar analogue is seen in Buddhism’s relationship to traditional Hinduism.