Some groups are attempting to “reconstruct” the ancient religion of Rome, but we see this as an impossible task. Even if the ancient religion could be perfectly reconstructed from historical records, that wouldn’t alter how we have changed. We are not ancient Romans anymore, and a gulf of time separates us from the ancient world. We must be who we are while keeping one eye on the past and the other on the future. Only then can we create an authentic religion that honors the truth the ancients understood, while acknowledging the reality of who we are today.
We also find the practice of reenacting ancient events and practices with historical accuracy to be a weak simulacrum of authentic Romanism. Romanism does not exist in the past or some idealized vision of the Ancient Roman Empire. It lives in our worship of the Eternal Gods and the souls of Western peoples. We never stopped being Roman; we have only been misled about native Western religion. Our calendar, languages, alphabet, government structures, art aesthetics, architecture, and legal norms have all been inherited from our Roman past. It’s time to accept our eternal connection to the Roman way and reform the traditions that carried us to the present day.
Romanism does not engage in any ancient reenactment, adoption of ancient pseudonyms, or anachronistic costumes.