Eric Claussen President

Eric Claussen is the leader and founder of the Romanist Society.

Prior to his conversion to Gentilism he was a practicing Zen Buddhist for 10 years. He spent over 2 years in study and training for his ordination as priest with the Orthodox Temple of Natural Religion.

His studies focused on the Iamblichan order of Plato’s dialogues and extensive study of Gemistos Pletho’s Liturgy and Theology. He was ordained as priest in May of 2022 and quickly took over the role of marketing officer for the temple and Magistrate to the Pontifex Maximus.

In 2023, he resigned from the OTNR and began The Romanist Society to pursue the vision of a new religious foundation for the western world rooted in truth, beauty and goodness.

He lives in Montana with his wife and child.