In 1066 AUC (313 AD), Emperor Contantine I legalized the worship of Christianity within the Roman empire with the Edict of Milan. By 1078 AUC (325 AD), at the Council of Nicea, the early church established core doctrines of the Faith that named Jupiter (God, the Father) as the only God and began interpreting all other Gods through Jewish mythology.
In 1133 AUC (380 AD), the edict of Thessalonica made the Catholicism of the Nicene Christians the State Religion of the Roman Empire. However, it was not until 1145 AUC (392 AD), that Emperor Theodosius officially banned worship of the Gods under penalty of death.
Nonetheless, worship of the Gods continued in secret and many traditional practices and holidays were incorporated into the state religion over time.
The Nicene Interpretation began a series of persecutions that ruined traditional Roman life and led to the fall of the Roman Empire in 1229 AUC (476 AD). It’s clear that without the use of terrorism, genocide, and military force, the Nicene Interpretation would not have survived as anything more than one cult among many.
The foundations of this interpretation are faulty for the following reasons and we Romanists reject it outright.
- The rejection of the Multiplicity of Gods
- The elevation of scripture over reason
- The rejection of all Divine Men besides Jesus
- The rejection of ancestral worship
- The Nicene Interpretation rejects the worship of all Gods except Jupiter which they understand as the Jewish Demiurge YHWH. This Atheism is born out of the Jewish Scripture that proclaims YHWH as the only God. This view was adopted and maintained not because of following philosophical first principles but because Nicene’s believed Jewish poetry was the literal and infallible word of God.
- We Romanists reject the supremacy of Jewish poetry. It is in no way the exclusive word of a God or Gods. We recognize that divinity is available to all men who seek it by virtue of the reason which Jupiter has ingrained in all men. Divinity is not contained exclusively in scriptures of any kind but is understood through truth, beauty and goodness.
- Joshua the Galilean (Jesus) is not the only son of God, demigod or divine avatar. The Gods have incarnated into our world countless times and many demigods have been observed in both our histories as well as the histories of virtually every other culture. Divinity is not the exclusive property of the Jewish people and their mythology.
- Christians have always exhibited a strong hatred of ancestors and their veneration per tradition. This is true for our direct familial ancestors as well as the ancestors of our cultures and nations. This is evident in the words used by Christians to describe non-Christians, i.e. Gentiles, Ethnikoi, Pagans. Each of these words denote ethnicity, nationality and ancestral bloodlines. The Nicene’s ended this veneration of our ancestral Numina (spirits) such as the Manes, Lares and Penates. It was this rejection that directly lead to the fall of Rome and has slowly degraded western man to such a degree that some now actively seek their ethnic destruction.
We must begin worshipping our ancestral numina and reject the Nicene hatred of the Lares and Gods that eats at the soul of our people.