Our mission is to restore western culture to it’s Pre-Christian Roman spiritual foundation.

We realize it is impossible to return to an exact form of ancient Roman religion, but also accept that the Catholic faith and the series of Christian European empires has carried on the Roman religious tradition despite their incorrect interpretation of ritual and theology based solely on the Jewish scriptures.

We realize the immensity of this goal but necessity requires that we move forward with these reforms. The Nicene interpretation (Christianity) is fundamentally flawed due to its false assertion that Christ is the only incarnation of God to ever exist. Religions the world over attest to incarnations of the divine occurring many times and in many places, not just Judea in the first century.

We also seek to correct the false idolatry of scripture that has poisoned the west into literal interpretation of mythical literature. Fables and myths require interpretation and should never be taken at face value. By forgetting this, the west has opened itself up to a form of idolatrous insanity that has caused an incalculable amount of damage to our ability to assess the truth with reason.

We view our work as reformative and restorative. We aim to reform western institutions like the Catholic Church but also restore natural order and law in the realm of politics and community formation.

This second reformation is just beginning and may take centuries to become a large movement but we see it as the inevitable and logical next step for the west that must be taken for the sake of truth, beauty, and goodness.

As we grow, we aim to take over failing and derelict Catholic churches and reform them back to Romanism. In time these local congregations will form the backbone of future tribes and cities tied to common worship of our ancestral Gods.

This reformation will start with our families. We must restore the tradition of ancestral worship and devotion to the Gods in our homes. This provides our families with a spiritual framework that has amazing depth and flexibility while avoiding the hateful intolerance so common among Christians. We understand that divinity comes in innumerable forms and the correct spiritual path varies depending on the character of the individual. Westerners can no longer tolerate the one size fits all approach to religion from Christianity.

Nonetheless, we must ground our spirituality in the moral and ethical wisdom of our wisest sages and philosophers so that we do not succumb to the false song of relativism. We are pluralistic in our approach to divinity but recognize that right and wrong, good and evil, and truth and falsehood are real. We must always strive to follow what is good and true and reject what is false and evil.