We have many things that separate us from Christianity, but here are a few more reasons why we see Christianity as incompatible with our beliefs.

  1. Christ is not the only son of God.
    1. The myths are full of stories of divine men with Godly parentage. Christ is not unique in this respect. Despite the miracles attributed to Christ, we see no reason to accept that he is God in any exclusive way.
  2. Christianity is not the only path to God.
    1. Christians believe that Christ is the only path to God. As Christ said, “Nobody comes to the Father except through me.” This is not true. Every major religion has found some path to God that does not involve Jesus. Even in the Abrahamic tradition, there are two religions, Judaism and Islam, that reject this idea of divine exclusivity. If God truly loved man and wanted him to ascend to the divine, would he send one man for a few years in one part of the world to be the only path for all beings forever? No, God would provide many paths in many places so that we all could find our way to God. This is what God has done, and Christians are unfortunately misled about this fundamental truth.
  3. Revelation is not the word of God.
    1. Oracles and revelation can be a valuable part of any religious practice. They often encapsulate truth in such a concentrated way that they can be read repeatedly without exhausting their power and depth. Many texts share this quality, not just the Jewish scriptures. More importantly, despite the immense truth of revealed scriptures, we must never forget that they are written by humans and interpreted by humans. God transcends everything. God cannot be reduced to words in a book. The words are but a finger pointing toward God, never God Himself.  Thus, holy scriptures always require interpretation; literal interpretation is the lowest and most shallow.
  4. Original Sin is false.
    1. Original Sin states that humanity is inherently sinful and requires the sacrifice of Jesus’ life to absolve that sin. We reject this teaching based on the Hebrew creation myth. Our souls incarnate into the physical world as a natural part of the breathing in and out of the Divine. However, we begin this process when the soul becomes enamored with its own image. Nonetheless, we can escape this state by contemplating the Divine and ritual worship. Our existence is not some evil that needs to be solved. However, we recognize the ability of ritual sacrifice to the Gods to absolve sins that accrue due to our ignorance and vice.

This is not an exhaustive list of all the reasons to reject Christianity. However, it’s enough to show why we cannot accept Christianity as a religious system.